Thursday, May 6, 2010

More boat stamps

A recent posting over at s/v Estrellita got me looking for boat stamps, and look at what I found:

A place where you can make your own custom postage! (Sorry for you non USians, it looks like it will only generate US postage). How cool is that!

The postage costs about twice what it does in the Post Office ($18.95 for a sheet of 20), so these are probably not what you'd use to pay your bills.


Cathy said...

They are very nice for wedding invitations or thank you notes.

Mike said...


Robert Salnick said...

Cathy: That'd work. But instead of a boat, you'd probably want to put a heart, or doves, or something. They do color, so there's a lot of latitude...

Mike: :)

Cathy said...

You can put photos. I got a great thank you card with a nice photo of the bride and groom.

Mike said...

Maybe I'll put a pic of my wife on some stamps then so she can feel like the Queen I always tell her she is. :)

(yes, she reads this, and I am sucking up)

Team Giddyup said...

I had a friend do that for a wedding also (with engagement photo).

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