Monday, August 8, 2016

Bimini Canvas: Cost

In the "last" post (OK, now this one is the last post...) on the bimini canvas renewal, Kelvin asked what the final cost was.  I'm afraid I can't give that because I used some supplies from earlier projects.  But what I can do is to make an estimate on materials costs, based on the Sailrite catalog I have here on board (check the Sailrite website for current prices):

Item Quantity Unit Cost Extended Cost
Sunbrella, Erin Green, 46" wide 10 yd 16.95 169.50
DuraSkrim 10 yd 2.95   29.50
Binding tape, 3/4", Erin Green 80 ft 0.50   40.00
Zipper, #10, 48" 6 7.50   45.00
Zipper, #10, 60" 4 8.70   34.80
Zipper Pull, #10 10 1.70   17.00
Zipper Stop, Stainless 2 packs of 10 2.50     5.00
Common Sense fastener, male 50 0.60   30.00
Common Sense fastener, eyelet 17 0.195     3.32
Rivet 100 0.15   15.00
Seam Stick, 3/8" 1 8.95     8.95
Seam Stick, 1/4" 1 6.95     6.95
TOTAL $405.02

I also bought some tools that, tho they were used in this project, will be used again in future projects.  I don't know if these should be charged against this project or not (you decide), but you should definitely have these tools to do the work:

Item Cost
Rivet Setting Tool Kit 89.00
Common Sense Eyelet Hole Punch 69.50

I did not include the cost of the thread because I bought a large spool years ago and have been using it since.  You definitely want the Teflon Tenara thread or equivalent - it will outlast your boat.  Don't settle for polyester thread.

And finally, you need a heavy-duty sewing machine to handle this.  I heartily recommend the Sailrite LS-1 or LSZ-1 (zig zag - if you intend to sew sails).  They are expensive and worth it.  We got ours used for less than half the new cost.

Previous post in this series