Monday, June 6, 2011


I sort of hesitate to say this out loud.  I don't want to jinx it.  So please imagine that I am whispering into your ear (yeah, as if posting "quietly" on the internet could fool the fates - perhaps they're on a dial-up connection?).

Our long, long LONG sentence to months and months of below-normal temperatures has ended.  Summer has come to the dock!  As irrefutable evidence of that, I have a sunburn.  Yes!  An actual sunburn!  In some twisted kind of way, I am enjoying it.

And as inevitable as my sunburn, when the day's labors were completed, folks began to gather on the dock.  Eventually, Scotty and I had our guitars out, and Rich joined us with his ukulele.  The socializing went on past sunset at 9 PM  (yes, way up here near the Canadian border, the sun sets that late in the day).

Welcome back, summer!

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