Monday, February 10, 2014

Here and gone

One of my favorite things

You know what one of my favorite things about this part of the Pacific Northwest is?

Rain.  (No!  He didn't actually say that!)

On a Saturday nite outing, Jane and I felt snow on our faces as we walked down the dock to shore.  And by the time we got home again, the dock and everything else was white.  By Sunday morning, there was an inch or two on the ground, and of course the roads were not plowed.  But there had been enough traffic that the main streets were pretty clear due to traffic.  And it wasn't long before snowmen popped into existence, at least three to every block.  Snow in Seattle is not a common thing, so when it happens, it is a real treat for kids, young and old alike.
But we have lived in other parts of the Pacific Northwest too, 300 miles or so to the east.  And over there, the first snowfall of the year, perhaps in late October or early November, is a treat too.  But by this time of the year it has become pure drudgery.  Shovel the driveway, again (where will I put the snow?).  Is the weight too great up there - do I need to shovel the roof?  The roads are all corduroy from the snow plows' chatter as they are pushed over the permanent pack of snow and ice on the road.

So yes, the snow was here Saturday nite and Sunday morning.  It stayed long enough for the child in all of us to delight in it.

And now the rain has washed it all away.  No shoveling required.

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