Thursday, December 24, 2015

Hung By The Chimney With Care

No stockings, but Santa's hat is hung by the chimney with care, hoping to dry out in time for the overnight deliveries.

And by the way, notice that the glass in the Dickenson is nice and clear - for a nominal price I replaced the old one.  It had become a little cloudy and frosted over the decades, I assume by the reaction between ash, glass and high temperatures.

Merry Christmas to all!  May visions of AIS transponders, chart plotters and new sails dance in your heads!


Heidi B said...

Merry Christmas Bob & Jane!

Deb said...

We've talked about putting a heater in Kintala but don't know where we'd do it. I noticed that yours is very close to your settee cushion. Is that not a risk of fire? The only place we have would be close as well and we just didn't think it would be possible.

S/V Kintala

Robert Salnick said...

Deb -
Yeah, the side of the heater is only a couple inches away from the upholstery. But it doesn't get hot. The firebox is another layer of metal inside the part you can see, and air circulates between them.

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