Sunday, September 17, 2017

The End of the Season

After months and months of sunny, warm, benign weather, we sit at the dock being buffeted by constant 20+ kt winds.  It is cloudy and chilly, and rain is coming in later this afternoon.

[we just got hit by a 30+ kt gust]

We made a command decision not to go out this weekend because of the forecast - maybe the best call we've made all year.

[a 38 foot sailboat just blew down the waterway between D and E docks, out of control, sideways.  Just missed our stern...]

I had been planning to clean our BBQ grill, but with this wind, that is out of the question.  If I sprayed Easy-Off™ on it, it would probably land over on E dock somewhere.

Our son and his family are off camping over on Orcas Island where there is no connectivity.  Hope they're all ok and their tent hasn't blown away...

So now we are hunkered down, with all the ports closed and the heat pump running for the first time in I don't know how long...

Winter is coming...


Rick said...

Running the heat mid-September. . . Forgot how that feels. Life in the PNW!

We've had a week of temps in 59s and 60s here, but we're in the best weather if the year right now: nights in the 60s, days in the 70s.

Robert Salnick said...

We're jealous of you folks, Rick! Our nitetime temps are forecast in the 40's...

Enjoy your fall sailing while it lasts!

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