Sunday, April 28, 2019


It's hard to remember after so much work on the generator, that the original intent was only to change the oil.

Done, nearly
Nevertheless, here we are.  I got everything reassembled, with only a couple of difficult spots.

The first relief was that reinstalling the fuel line to the pump went a lot easier than when the filter end was firmly attached (I made up the filter connection, and then installed the filter...).  Everything else went pretty much by the book.

Old vs. New
But the new exhaust elbow caused a little difficulty because the water connection was rotated counterclockwise a little (see the little block bolted to the head at the far left in the 'old' view - where the wires go).  As a consequence, it interfered with the cylinder head over-temperature sensor.  But that was remedied by installing the sensor to another threaded hole in the head only an inch below the original.

The biggest problem was the wiring to the head over-temp sensor and the exhaust elbow over-temp sensor.  At the head sensor, there were two wires in the terminal (the sensors are in parallel - either can shut the engine down).  When I was sliding the connector on, one of the wires pulled out of the terminal.  It turns out that these are unusual terminals (read: Sebo's doesn't stock them), so I had to spend nearly an hour laboriously un-crimping the terminal and then re-crimping it with both wires firmly attached.


But I ran out of time.  I have bled the fuel system, but I still need to bleed the seawater side and refill the fresh water side of the engine.  Then I need to run it and look for:
  • Oil leaks
  • Exhaust leaks
  • Fresh water leaks
  • Salt water leaks
Hopefully there won't be any of these, and I can finally pull the curtains closed on this year's annual genset oil change.

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The Cynical Sailor said...

It's a lot of work taking care of a boat :( Looks like you did a great job!

Robert Salnick said...

Thanks Cynical!

We’ll see how good a job when I finally start it...


Jason said...

Wow, that new elbow looks great! I have been planning on adding an over temp sensor on my exhaust elbow. It's cheap insurance.

Robert Salnick said...

Jason -
Yes, Ben ( did a beautiful job with the elbow. And since it is 316SS, I should never have to worry about it again...

Tho I have whined about Kohler's treatment of the exhaust elbow, they did an excellent job of equipping the 2GMF for remote service, with shutdowns for oil pressure (tested...), fresh water temp, exhaust elbow temp, and cylinder head temp.

Adding a snap switch on an exhaust elbow would be, well, a snap. If nothing else it could activate an alarm...


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