Friday, April 12, 2019

Genset Stage Three

Heads ground off the bolts
As I mentioned previously, I intended to grind the heads off of the bolts.  I could not budge the two on the right with a wrench without risking twisting them off, and the two on the left had corroded to the point where their heads were just nubs.  The plan was to grind off the heads, remove the elbow, and then use ViceGrip pliers to grip the stubs and turn them out, if possible.  The only tool that I could get to bear on the bolts was a Dremel tool with a little 3/4" grinding head...  it took about an hour for each bolt.

It's off!

Amazingly, even with the bolt heads removed, I had to drive a screwdriver between the elbow and the exhaust manifold to free the elbow. Corrosion products completely filled up the space between the bolts and the holes in the elbow flange, bonding it tightly. This does not bode well for being able to remove the bolts...

The inner tube is loose

...And this tells part of the story. The inner pipe was loose and had been ejected part way down the hose that attaches to the exhaust elbow...

Warped flange

And this is the rest of the story: the near edge (the bottom) of the flange is significantly warped. Combined with the loose inner pipe (above), this meant that hot seawater would be leaking out of the bottom of the flange. That seawater was supposed to cascade down around the inner pipe and join the exhaust gases near the far end of the elbow. Instead it was right there at the warped flange.

New fuel pump installed
With the primary and time-limiting task out of the way and the old elbow shipped off to Ben at, I had more room to work and more time, so I installed the new fuel pump.

Shiny new exhaust elbow

Late breaking news: Ben has completed the new elbow and will be shipping it soon! Gotta get those bolt stubs out!

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Wallace Grommet said...

Congrats on the worst looking exhaust elbow I have ever seen. Good luck getting those bolt stubs out. Your world will shrink down to a narrow arc of engine panaorama for hours. I had fun changing one of those lift pumps while anchored in Deer Harbor. Two nuts each nearly impossible to access with a wrench as I crouched for hours in the most uncomfortable position ever attained by man. My only avenue of progress consisted of putting a screw driver tip on each lobe and tapping it a mite until the next lobe presented itself.

Robert Salnick said...

Unknown -

Been there, done that. Tough work indeed

Rick said...

Hope the bolt removal isn't torture, but I'm not optimistic. . .

Good luck

Robert Salnick said...

Rick -

Neither am I. I think I am going to have to pull the exhaust manifold/cooler to do the work. And to think all I wanted to do was change the oil...

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