Monday, February 27, 2017

Still Thinking...

Design notes
For some reason which is obscure to me,when I am designing something, all my ideas and calculations end up on sticky notes.  This pile is right next to the laptop that I am typing on, right now.  Every design idea I have had on the new mizzen stack-pack is in that pile.  Scary, really.

But sticky notes are not the only tool I use.  For the layout on the fabric (and determining, therefore, how much fabric to order), I used LibreOffice's draw tool, with a scale of 1" = 1':

The order to Sailrite has been made (7 yd of the 46" wide Erin Green fabric, plus a whole bunch of notions: zippers, fasteners, etc). 

And delivered.

Now all I need to get going is weather decent enough to go out and lay out the cuts on the fabric... out on the dock.  Can't do it inside - the panels are 12 feet long.

Waiting for spring...



Drew Frye said...

And sometimes the post-its get taped or stapled into a composition book. I have stacks of those, containing 20 years worth of scribbles. They might as well be in code. said...

There's something different about putting pencil to paper rather than typing. We still use old fashioned notebooks aboard Galapagos. I believe science will be on our side on this one.

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