I really love getting under way early in the morning! This morning it was dead calm, the water like glass. Just a tiny burst of power got Eolian moving out of the slip, ghosting along at far less than a walking pace. We were moving so slow in fact, that the rudder didn't bite and start to turn her stern until we were well out in the waterway. A couple of quick bursts in Fwd and Rev (you single screw boaters know what I mean), got her bow pointed down the waterway, and then out of the marina. A warm, calm, peaceful sunny morning, latté in hand, we left the marina and headed for the Islands.
The melancholy part is, that despite it being a perfect day to be on the water, warm and sunny, this could be the last trip out to the Islands for us this year. So, in just the same way that you savor the last glorious days of summer when there is a hint of fall in the air telling you, that like everything else, it has to come to an end, the trip across Rosario Strait to Thatcher Pass was filled with not only the enjoyment of a perfect day on the water, but also with the memories we made this summer:
- Set a new record boat speed: 8.7 kt under yankee alone, in 35+ kt of wind, on our way to Sucia
- Speaking of Sucia, we ended up making four visits there this year. It is a magical place...
- We discovered that going by north of Guemes Island and on to Sucia, one can mostly ignore the tides...
- We discovered a wind tunnel between Orcas Island and Clark/Barnes islands... if there is wind anywhere, it will be here...
- Truly a mountain of crab!
- The stack-pack I made for the mizzen is wonderful!
- New friends on s/v Odyssey and m/v Konocti Bay
- And many, many nites at anchor, throughout the islands.
So... here I sit, typing away in the last days of summer and the last days of the sailing season for us. I am endeavoring to be present in each and every moment so that I will have enough days and nites stored away to get me thru the long, wet, dark winter that is inexorably coming...
