I always knew it would be coming some day... "some day in the future", but my last spinal surgery (#5...) has me realizing that the time has come. After 25 years, it is time to pass Eolian on to her next steward.
Custom Downeast 45
LOA: 52’
LOD: 45’
LWL: 36’
Beam: 14’
DRAFT: 5’ 6”
BALLAST: 12,000 lb, Internal Lead
RIG: Staysail ketch
SAIL AREA: 1100 ft2
ENGINE: Perkins 4-236 75 hp diesel, 4391 hrs
DIESEL TANKAGE: 2 x 150 gallons
WATER TANKAGE: 2 x 150 gallons
WATER MAKER: PowerSurvivor S-3500
LOCATION: Cap Sante Marina, Anacortes
FOR INFORMATION Call: Lee Youngblood
West Yachts
(425) 444-9109
Eolian is a heavily built proper blue water cruising vessel in traditional style. The white hull is one-piece solid fiberglass and is barrier-coated, with molded-in strake lines to resemble a carvel-planked wooden hull. Her design features 6 large “picture windows” which give a light, airy interior - this concept has been recently re-introduced as the “Deck-Saloon”.
A full-length teak rub strake is applied to both sides. The underwater profile is a modified full keel, with a keel hung rudder and the propeller in an aperture in the rudder. This arrangement provides for very stable course-keeping and it sheds crab pot lines instead of catching them. The hull is barrier coated. A fiberglass hull liner is fitted which reduces interior condensation considerably in cool weather.
The keel is internal lead, enclosed within the fiberglass hull. Because it is internal, there are no keelbolts and no keel-to-hull joint, eliminating a weak point and potential leakage area present in other designs.
The deck is foam-cored heavy fiberglass with no rot-prone plywood or balsa fillers. Walking areas have a non-skid treatment. The hull and deck joint is a continuous heavy 1” thick fiberglass lap joint with through-bolted stanchions and pulpits.
All bulkheads are glassed to the hull. The primary bulkheads are doubled and trebled.
Cast bronze hardware is used throughout, including scuppers, gudgeons, anchor chock, cranse iron, thru-hulls, seacocks, deck cleats, rigging screws, winches, and the propeller shaft gland.
The spars are LeFiell extrusions, finished in white two-part urethane.
The main mast is the heaviest and largest extrusion offered by LeFiell: OM-5C, and is stepped on a cast aluminum fitting bolted to the keel. The single spreader rig is supported by a 3/8" stainless steel forestay, and dual 3/8” stainless steel backstays. The upper and lower shrouds are 3/8” stainless steel. Four bronze two-speed winches are provided for the main halyard, the jib halyard, the staysail halyard and a spare. Mounted on the main boom a bronze two-speed winch is provided for the mainsail outhaul and for reefing the mainsail. A Sea Furl MkII roller furling system mounts on the forestay. A 3” diameter by 12’-22’ whisker pole is included.The mizzen mast is deck stepped and is a lighter section, LeFiell OM1C. It is supported with 3/8” and 5/16” stainless steel shrouds, and a 5/16” triatic stay running from the peak of the mainmast. Running backstays are installed which can be deployed for additional downwind support in heavy conditions. A bronze two-speed winch is mounted to the mizzen mast for the mizzen halyard.
Sails include a fully battened Main (two sets of reef points), Yankee, 110% Genoa, 150% Genoa, staysail (one set of reef points), mizzen (one set of reef points), and a mizzen staysail. The two genoas, a spare mizzen, and the mizzen staysail are stored at the owner’s home. All sails are fitted with Sunbrella sail covers. The main and mizzen covers are stack-pack type and are nearly new, while the staysail cover is conventional. The roller furled Yankee is provided with a matching Sunbrella sun protection strip. This rig and sails provide for a large number of combinations to suit nearly all wind conditions, while at the same time keeping the rig balanced fore and aft.
The main sheet is reeved through teak blocks to a two- speed winch mounted on the cabin top. The staysail sheet is led to a separate two-speed winch on the cabin top. The jib sheets are led via snatch blocks on sail tracks on either side of the cockpit to large two-speed bronze winches mounted on either side of the cockpit coaming. The mizzen sheet leads thru teak turning blocks to a bronze two-speed winch on the starboard aft cockpit coaming. A second bronze two-speed winch is provided on the port aft cockpit coaming which can be used for a staysail sheet or for the jib furling line.
There are 8” Teak-capped bulwarks around the entire deck for safety. Wide side decks lead from the bow to the stern quarter deck, and varnished teak handrails are provided on the cabin top from bow to stern to provide safe handholds while under way. Dual lifelines run from the 1” stainless steel bowsprit pulpit down both sides of the deck to the 1” stainless steel stern pulpit. Boarding gates are provided on both sides of the boat.
Provision is made for rigging vinyl covered stainless steel jacklines, which are stored in the stern lazarette compartments; tethers are stored below decks. A Lifesling and a man-overboard pole and horseshoe buoy are located on the starboard lifelines near the stern.
A 6-man Avon inflatable liferaft (out of certification) is dogged down to the cabin top. A hand operated reverse osmosis water maker is provided in the ditch box, stored below.
Beginning at the bow, the bowsprit is provided with a 1” stainless steel pulpit and teak platform. It deploys a 66 lb genuine Bruce anchor over a bronze roller, with 300' of 3/8” all chain rode, stored below decks in a self-draining locker.
The bower anchor, a Danforth S-2000 is stored ready to hand in bronze chocks at the bow (we have never needed it – the Bruce is that good!). The bower is provided with 300’ of 1” nylon rode, also stored below decks. Both anchors are managed by a Simpson Lawrence electric windlass, which has an integral counter showing the length of rode deployed – there is no need to mark the rode. In 25 years, we have never drug the Bruce anchor, even with winds 35+ kt. A 12V washdown pump supplies pressurized seawater for cleaning the rode and anchor as they come aboard.
On the port side, permanently attached tubular boarding steps are mounted to the hull going down to the waterline, making boarding from a dinghy easy and straightforward.
Deck lighting is supplied by two sealed beam lights on the main spreaders and a single sealed beam light on the mizzen spreader. The mizzen light is arranged to provide light for night use of the Dickenson propane-fired barbecue mounted on the stern pulpit. The two non-corroding aluminum 20 lb propane tanks on the center stern of the quarterdeck provide propane for both the barbecue and for the galley. A solenoid operated propane valve is located near the tanks. The barbecue, propane tanks and solenoid valve are provided with Sunbrella weather covers.
Two lazarette compartments are located beneath the quarterdeck. In these will be found extra dock lines, a multitude of spare lines of all sizes, crab pot lines and floats, a reel of floating line for stern tying (common in Canada), a soft bucket, washdown hoses, etc.
An anchor roller is mounted on the port aft corner of the bulwark, which serves the stern anchor, a Danforth S-1600 and nylon rode, stored in the stbd quarterdeck lazarette.
A Scanmar windvane steering system which uses an auxiliary trim tab on the main rudder to provide steering by the wind without electrical consumption is mounted at the stern.
Finally, stainless steel dinghy davits are mounted on the quarterdeck at the very stern.
The cockpit is fully enclosed with a Sunbrella and Strataglass enclosure supported on 1” stainless steel tubing, and is provided with foam cushions. When the cockpit is closed up, it is very comfortable if the sun is shining, even when the temperature drops below 50°. The steering pedestal houses the engine controls and is equipped with a bright finished wood wheel with bronze fittings. It also houses the large brass compass binnacle containing the large Richie helm compass. A new approved marine fire extinguisher is mounted to the pedestal.
From behind the wheel and to the right are the Garmin chart plotter and the Ratheon radar display. Ahead on the aft surface of the cabin are located the wind speed/direction, and primary depth and speed/log instruments. Low and to the right is located a control panel housing the engine instruments and the switches for navigation lighting, fuel gauge selector switch, spreader lighting switches, and the engine ignition switch. The AIS receiver is hidden in one of the coaming compartments.
The cockpit is provided with a removable Teak table which mounts to the binnacle. When not in use, this is stored below behind the companionway stairs. Provision is made to store the wheel on the port cockpit enclosure framework in order to give more space in the cockpit for entertaining.
A Perkins 4-236, 75 HP fresh water cooled marine diesel engine drives a three-blade 20x14” bronze propeller through a water cooled Borg Warner Velvet Drive 71C 1.9:1 transmission. The 1- 1/4” prop shaft is provided with a shaft lock to minimize drag. The original prop shaft packing has been replaced with a Teflon packing that runs cool and almost completely dry.
In addition to the fuel filter on the engine, a pair of Racor 90 water separator/filters is mounted in parallel, so that filters can be switched while underway without shutting down the engine. In addition, an electric fuel transfer pump is provided which can be used to move fuel between tanks, or for priming the engine should prime be lost. A bronze raw water filter supplies cooling water to the engine from a bronze external hull strainer.
On the engine itself, the original cast iron exhaust manifold has been replaced with a custom 316 stainless one. The original heat exchanger has been replaced with a monel heat exchanger, and the exhaust elbow and exhaust hose have all been renewed. The alternator has been replaced with a self-exciting one. The raw water pump cover has been replaced with a SpeedSeal cover that is o-ring sealed and does not require tools for removal. Finally, the original Perkins expansion tank was removed because it was not the high point in the system (the engine-heated water heater is), and has been replaced with an external expansion tank. The original installation had any air in the system accumulating in the water heater, where it impeded heat transfer to the water.
The oil has been changed religiously once a year, about every 100 hours, or less. In the fall of 2022 the valve cover was removed to check valve clearances (no adjustments were needed) - the engine interior looks new. The engine usually starts on the first revolution and does not smoke, burn oil, or leak.
Eolian has four electrical systems, all managed thru a large breaker panel located under the navigation station:
- 30 amp 120V shore power
A 30 amp shore power inlet fitting is located on the port aft side of the cockpit coaming. This is fed from the shore power pedestal with 2-50’ 30 amp shore power cables, and feeds the main panel thru a galvanic isolator. Many 120V GFCI protected receptacles are located throughout the interior. - 30 amp 120V generator power
A 4 kW Kohler diesel generator supplies all needed power when away from the dock. The generator engine is a Yanmar 2GMF fresh water cooled diesel. - A Freedom 20 2 kW inverter/charger supplies 20 amps of absolutely silent 120V power from the battery bank, as well as serving as the 100 amp battery charger when supplied with 120V, either from shore power or the onboard generator. A Link2000 inverter control and battery state panel is located close to the main power panel. Switching is completely automatic.
- 12V power
Onboard 12V power storage is provided by 6 group 31, 115 amp-hr deep discharge lead acid 12V batteries, arranged in two banks of three. Power usage, amp draw, voltage and charge state of these battery banks are monitored thru the inverter control panel. For normal usage, the banks are kept separate, with one bank supplying onboard 12V needs, and the other bank supplying the inverter. For engine starting or charging, the banks are combined thru a battery switch on the main breaker panel. A separate battery is reserved for starting the generator and for the anchor windless. It is charged by the generator when offshore, and via the inverter/charger when on shore power using a separate battery switch.
- West Marine vhf500dsc VHF, located just inside the companionway to protect it from weather. The antenna is located at the very top of the main mast, 65’ above the water.
- Wireless rechargeable Uniden remote speaker/mic which can be located close to or on the helmsperson, avoiding the need for everyone in the cockpit to hear all the radio traffic.
- AIS receiver, located in one of the cockpit coaming compartments. The AIS antenna is at the top of the mizzen mast.
- Ratheon RL9 20 mile radar, antenna located on the mizzen mast and display on the cockpit coaming to the right of the helm.
- Garmin GPS-520 chart plotter/gps, on the cockpit coaming to the right of the helm.
- Raymarine ST5000 autopilot, driving a very heavy duty Benmar actuator
- ST1000 secondary tiller autopilot which is arranged to be able to drive the windvane trim tab. The ST1000 is provided with a hand-held remote which can be connected on deck or at the Navigation station.
- Standard Horizon SL-45 digital speed/log, on the aft face of the cabin.
- Standard Horizon DS-45 digital depth sounder, on the aft face of the cabin.
- Standard Horizon WS-1 analog/digital wind speed/direction, on the aft face of the cabin.
- Ritchie Helm compass
- Secondary compass, at the Navigation station. • Secondary depth – Morrow S-60 flasher type, at the Navigation station. This was retained because it displays different information than the digital sounder. For example, it can show the presence of a halocline which would cause the digital sounder to give a false reading.
- Standard Horizon DS-10 secondary speed/log, at the Navigation station.
- Kenwood TS-440S Ham transceiver, at the Navigation station. This radio is coupled to an insulated backstay as an antenna. If the next owner has a General class (or above) amateur radio license, this will be left intact. If not, the microphone will be removed to prevent illegal transmit, but retaining operation of the 0.15 MHz to 30 MHz general coverage receiver,
- Engine instrumentation at the cockpit panel: Engine temp, oil press including an oil pressure loss alarm, charge/discharge amps, rpm, fuel gauge which can be directed to read either tank.
Eolian is equipped with a 16,000 BTU heat pump which provides primary heating and air conditioning, with outlets throughout the boat. The heat pump uses sea water as the heat source/sink. She also has a bulkhead mounted Dickenson diesel heater which has a large circulating fan to prevent heat building up only in the area of the heater. Finally, a Red Dot heater located beneath the raised dinette sole provides fan-driven hot air extracted from the engine cooling water.
The layout was custom designed with the builder by the original owner, and differs from her sisterships in many details. All joinery is solid 3⁄4" Teak and 3⁄4” Teak plywood. The cabin sole is heavily bright varnished traditional Teak and holly (shoes off please!), with access panels to the bilge. Grey granite Formica is used on the galley and various counter tops. Most interior cabinetry is provided with automatic lighting. The entire interior was reupholstered with heavy duty upholstery fabric in 1999. Headroom is 6'-5" throughout the interior.
All head plumbing aboard has been replaced with PVC hard piping, which will never permeate with head odors (just like the plumbing in your house). The only rubber sanitation hose in Eolian are short pieces of the most expensive hose available (currently $22/foot) making connections to the rigid PVC to provide vibration isolation. This has completely eliminated head odors. A spare length of hose is provided. The holding tank vent line is provided with an activated carbon filter to reduce odors from that source.
The original aluminum holding tank (which had corroded to the point of leakage) was replaced with a 45 gallon roto-molded polypropylene tank and is provided with a deck pump out fitting and additionally a manual pump which can empty the tank when in waters where such discharge is permitted.
In the very forward part of the forward cabin are the access doors to the dual chain lockers.
The forward cabin is isolated by a louvered door. Its 6'-6" vee-berth has a custom upholstered mattress and is supplied with two brass reading lights port and stbd, two hanging lockers enclosed by louvered doors port and starboard, 6 drawers, a huge storage area beneath the mattress cushions, another storage area beneath the berth accessed via a door, and 3 enclosed cabinets, one with a mirror. For ventilation there is a large 22” square opening hatch (screen provided) located in the deck directly above the berth, and two Beckson 7”x14” opening ports (with curtains, screens and storm windows) on either side of the cabin house. There is a new approved marine fire extinguisher located on the aft bulkhead.
Just aft of the Forward Cabin and to port and accessed by a door, is the spacious Forward Head compartment. A second louvered door opens into the main portion of the interior so that this head serves both the Saloon and the Forward Cabin. The marine toilet is a manual Jabsco Twist Lock, with plumbing arranged to permit effluent flow overboard or to the holding tank through a wye valve. The stainless steel sink has hot and cold pressurized water, as does "telephone" style shower fixture. The shower is provided with a curtain and a teak grating in the sole. A hanging locker and a toiletry cabinet are built in and commodious storage is behind louvered doors under the sink. A mirror is mounted on the aft bulkhead. Ventilation is provided by another Beckson 7”x14” opening port (with curtain, screen and storm window).
Aft of the Forward Cabin and across from the Forward Head to stbd is located one of the unique features of Eolian, the Office, open to the Saloon. The Office is provided with a desk with pencil drawer, a mounted chair and spacious shelving for books, etc. There are also 3 cabinets enclosed by louvered doors. The office has both a large reading lamp and a red 12V fluorescent lamp. Ventilation is provided by another Beckson 7”x14” opening port (with curtain, screen and storm window).
Aft of the Forward Head and the Office is the Saloon, occupying the full 14’ beam. The Saloon is served by 6 large 18”x36” non-opening picture windows which eliminate the “cave” feel of many boats, and make for a light, airy interior, perfect for a live aboard.
Above, overhead handrails provide safety under way, and valences port and stbd conceal warm white LED overhead lighting. Main lighting is provided by 3 overhead lighting fixtures and a brass trawler-style kerosene lamp hanging above the table.
To starboard, is a 6' 3” settee/pull-out berth, with a hidden lee cloth. The back support for the settee conceals storage spaces, and above the settee are more louvered doors concealing an AM/FM radio/CD stereo, DVD player, and stained glass doors conceal the liquor locker. Also located in the area is a flat screen TV. Above the settee on the forward bulkhead are a brass Weems barometer and a chronometer. On the aft settee bulkhead is a magazine rack. Reading lights are installed at either end of the settee. More storage will be found under the settee – this is where tools, Christmas lights and the bosun’s seat and climbing gear for ascending a halyard will be found.
To port is a raised dinette with a Teak table with seating for 4. Because it is raised, eating is delightful with the view out the picture windows.
On the forward bulkhead of the table area is a numbered watercolor gliceé of Gig Harbor, which will stay with Eolian.
More storage is behind the table seating backrests. Under the table seating will be found the heat pump installation, the 6 gallon hot water heater (heated by either/both 120V or cooling water from the engine), the inverter, and a vacuum cleaner which is provided with sufficient hose to reach throughout Eolian.
Located below the raised table sole are two drawers and the Red Dot heater.
Ventilation in the Saloon is provided by a 16” butterfly hatch in the overhead and a Beckson 7”x14” opening port (with curtain, screen and storm window).
Aft of the Saloon and to port is the Navigation Station, open to the Saloon. The navigation Station is raised so that there is easy viewing out the picture windows when seated. Within the Navigation station is the chart table, containing paper charts and ship’s documentation, owner’s manuals, etc. The secondary compass, secondary knotmeter/log, and the ham radio are also within easy reach. In the footwell will be found the battery switches and the generator start battery monitor gauge. The main electrical panel is located on the pedestal supporting the chart table. On the aft bulkhead are the hand control for the ST1000 autopilot, the secondary depth sounder, and the (formerly required for boats of this size) brass bell.
There is storage under the Navigation station seat, under the (raised) footwell sole, and there are two drawers in the table support pedestal, below the main electrical panel.
Lighting is provided by an overhead light and a reading light fitted with a red bulb.
Between the Navigation Station and the Galley is the Companionway. Here will be found the stairs leading to the cockpit, a Halon fire extinguisher, the prop shaft lock, the three switch panels for the three bilge pumps, the engine hour gauge, and a gauge which shows the vacuum found in the fuel line supplying the engine lift pump. This gauge can be monitored to show the state of the upstream Racor fuel
The companionway hatch is supplied with Teak wash boards and a clever custom door with a large Plexiglass window that swings down from the sliding companionway hatch when the wash boards are not fitted. This allows for the companionway to be sealed off but yet allows for light to reach the Saloon, Galley and Navigation Station. The Teak cockpit table is stored behind the stairs.
Aft of the Saloon to stbd and open to the Saloon is the Galley. It is L-shaped with the sinks near the centerline, meaning that they will drain even when on a port tack. A cutting board which fits the sink is provided.
Next aft is a gimbaled propane 3 burner Princess oven/stove. The propane solenoid switch is located nearby, above the refrigerator. Below the stove is the microwave.
Refrigeration aboard Eolian is provided by a 12V seawater cooled compressor located beneath the galley. The very large refrigerator is just aft of the stove/oven, and has Teak shelving and a holding plate. Between the sink and the stove is the separate large freezer compartment, equipped with two holding plates.
Two foot pumps are provided at the base of the sink cabinet for the fresh water and sea water spigots at the sink.
Four drawers are provided for flatware and cutlery, there is a large storage area beneath the sink, there is storage over the sink for mugs, bowls, etc and there is a wine glass rack with a clever magnetic catch which retains the glasses in a seaway. In the rack are 6 stainless steel wine glasses.
Above the refrigeration compartment is a spice storage cabinet and to hand to port is a pantry cabinet, which conceals a ships stores area behind.
Lighting in the galley is provided by an overhead light and task light over the sink.
In the stern is the Owner’s Cabin, with ensuite head. A near full-width king size berth has storage to each side. A vanity with lighting and swing-out stool and drawer is to stbd. Two cedar-lined hanging lockers and four large drawers complete the storage. The cabin is provided with two overhead lights and two reading lamps. Incredible ventilation is provided by four Beckson 7”x14” opening ports (with curtains, screens and storm windows), and a large hatch in the overhead.
The head is separated with a door and houses the sink, Jabsco manual Twist-Lock head and the shower. The shower is provided with a telephone-style shower head, a curtain, and a Teak floor grate. There is storage behind the sink, under the sink and behind the head. A full-length mirror is provided. This is where the dehumidifier is located.
The bilge is equipped with three bilge pumps, located at three different heights. The primary pump is a 3000 gph Rule pump, and is the lowest. Next is a 300 gph Rule pump, equipped with an alarm. Finally, a third Rule 300 gph pump is located highest of all. All three pumps are equipped with float switches and are controlled via a panel at the Companionway.
An Achilles 11’ inflatable fiberglass RIB hangs from the dinghy davits. The dinghy is equipped with an air-cooled (no water impeller to worry about) 3 HP Tanaka outboard. Though it has no gearshift (the motor is turned around for reverse operation), it has a centrifugal clutch which means it can be started without the dinghy lurching forward. A bilge pump is located under its seat, and a foot inflation pump for the dinghy is located in the cockpit coaming.
Dishes and flatware for 6 are provided, as are pots, pans, skillets, coffee mugs, glasses and miscellaneous bowls. Some kitchen appliances will go with Eolian, including an electric coffee grinder, food processor, espresso maker, and a hand-held electric mixer.
Life vests, hoses, crab pots, a wetsuit, a bosun’s chair and climbing gear, a Loos PT-3 rig tension gauge, bronze boat hook, sextant, books, vacuum, TV, stereo, DVD player, documentation, tools, and an extensive spare parts inventory, and more will all go with Eolian.
Eolian is in excellent condition, having gone through a full refit 1997-2009. Since then she has had loving care and continuous detailed maintenance by the owners. When at anchor, Eolian is frequently cruised by other boats and offered compliments. Those who have been aboard have frequently commented on her spacious interior. Her capacities are such that the current owners have made four week voyages without putting in for fuel, water, or any kind of provisions. She is a capable blue water cruiser, sails well and makes a comfortable live-aboard.