Well, here we are back on the dock in Anacortes.
The last few days were great. The forcasted blow did indeed come, but in Blind Bay, where the anchor loves the bottom and with 100' of 3/8" chain out in 25' of water, we were more than secure and slept soundly.
There were no more sunset moments from Blind Bay (view to the west is obscured by the protecting ramparts of the island), but it was wonderfully quiet. Most of the boats in the bay were doing what we were doing... peacefully spending days in the Islands at anchor. A few left and a few came in, but the balance stayed at about 10 transient boats - far below the ridiculous total of 51 boats at the height of the COVID Canadian border closure.
I puttered around working on the inevitable boat problems, an overhead light that had quit working, water pump that seemed to be continuously inhaling air, etc. But mostly we read books on our Kindles.
And a joy... with my phone acting as a hotspot, we were able to stream videos from Roku at anchor, so that took care of the evenings, in spades. What a luxury!
So this afternoon we are back at the dock in Anacortes, cleaning up the boat and restocking it for the next adventure... Jane just arrived with a huge batch of groceries for that next outing - I need to go help her get them aboard and stowed... and then to make the bed...

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