The old Benmar 14B
(Remember when schematics came with electronics?) |
You may remember that a long,
long time ago I posted a picture showing the bench testing of a Raymarine ST5000+ autopilot (sadly, that post seems to be gone...).
Well today I start in earnest the process to graft the ST5000+ onto the old Benmar drive. I am thinking out loud here, while I write this up, so bear with me...
Why am I keeping the old Benmar drive, you might ask? Well, for three reasons:
- It is built like a brick sh%*#house
- I have a spare
- It is already installed - no small task by any means
Basically, to interface with the drive unit, I need to supply +12V on either of two leads to get the drive to steer to port or starboard and a -12V common, and +/-12V to engage the clutch.
That's it.
Well, there is one slightly tricky part... As I just mentioned, the Benmar drive unit has two wires for direction control - basically a port and a starboard wire - and a common -12V connection, while the ST5000+ has just two terminals, which reverse polarity for port/starboard. Since relay coils don't care which way the current is flowing thru them, a pair of diodes will take care of interfacing this, presuming that the -12V directional control common on the drive unit is isolated.
As far as current requirements that need to be met by the ST5000+, everything in the drive unit is driven by relays, so the ST5000+ (which was designed to feed small hydraulic or linear drive motors directly) won't be taxed at all. For example, the ST5000+ can supply 1-2 amps on the clutch line, but the clutch relay in the Benmar only needs 100 mA. So the ST5000+ will be coasting.
The larger issues are these:
- I want to make the initial installation a "trial" install. Just in case something doesn't work out.
- I need to find a place near the roll/yaw/pitch center of the boat to mount the compass. But unfortunately, that is very close to the engine. And guess what - you're not supposed to mount the compass near any large masses of iron. I guess I'll be trying compass locations out...
- Running the wires will not be easy at all. Especially considering that I will want to keep the old wiring in place, at least for a while, so I can't use the old wiring as messengers to pull in the new.
- Mounting the rudder reference transducer will not be fun, hanging headfirst into the compartment beneath the aft berth. Neither will be stringing wire to it.
So today, I started by making current measurements. Well I
tried to make current measurements. Sadly, it seems that my multimeter no longer has a functioning current circuit (no, its not the fuse). The numbers I quoted above are based on the component values I found on the schematic.
So stick with me here while I try to figure out my next moves...
- Get a new multimeter and measure current flows for real. Check to see if the -12V common lead for directional control is isolated.
- Trial install #1:
- Temporarily hook up the ST5000 to the drive unit, with the compass but without the rudder reference.
- First, ensure that engaging the autopilot causes the clutch to engage.
- Next, have the autopilot request a course correction - the drive should operate.
- This trial can be done in the slip, with short wires.
- Trial install #2:
- Basically a parallel install with the existing Benmar controller. This will require a lot more wire to get the ST5000 into the cockpit, where I can actually use it on the water. At this point, I will also have to have the rudder reference installed.
- Final install:
- Remove the Benmar controller.
- Make a proper mount for the ST5000 in the cockpit.
- Locate the optimum compass location
- Clean up the wiring.
At least that's the way it looks from here, right now.
{Time passes}
I just went over the schematic yet again... Unfortunately, I have now convinced myself that the Benmar drive unit has the common -12V lead on the directional control tied to the negative buss inside the drive. I can easily lift this, but it will require opening up the drive. Maybe Trial #1 should take advantage of that spare drive... That would have the further advantage of the trial being completely a bench test, with no alteration whatsoever to the existing autopilot setup.
Previous post in series

Project ST5000: And so it begins - thinking out loud