Peace on Earth.
And on the docks. Please.
Novembers and Decembers are normally stormy months here in the PNW, but this year has taken it to extremes. We have been blasted by one major storm after another since the beginning of November. We are all getting weary of the wind and rain - I am pretty confident that I am speaking for everyone on the docks with this.
Ah, but today is the day I have been looking forward to since that first November freeze: the winter solstice (technically, at 8:49 PM)! From this day forward, until all reckoning is lost in those warm golden hazy days of June, each day will be a little longer.
And the sun will ride a little higher in the sky every day. In fact, this time of year, the sun is so low that much of the day is lit by that reddish orange cast that normally only comes with sunrise and sunset. This preys on the soul.
So today we are looking forward to the beginning of the new set of seasons, to the end of the terrible storms, to the lengthening of the day. To peaceful sails under warm 15 kt breezes and sundowners in calm anchorages.
Today starts the journey to Summer!

BTW, it's blowing 15-20 kt out there this morning.
"As the cold begins to strengthen the days begin to lengthen." Ruth Bailey Robeson - my grandmother.
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