Monday, August 8, 2016

Bimini Canvas: Cost

In the "last" post (OK, now this one is the last post...) on the bimini canvas renewal, Kelvin asked what the final cost was.  I'm afraid I can't give that because I used some supplies from earlier projects.  But what I can do is to make an estimate on materials costs, based on the Sailrite catalog I have here on board (check the Sailrite website for current prices):

Item Quantity Unit Cost Extended Cost
Sunbrella, Erin Green, 46" wide 10 yd 16.95 169.50
DuraSkrim 10 yd 2.95   29.50
Binding tape, 3/4", Erin Green 80 ft 0.50   40.00
Zipper, #10, 48" 6 7.50   45.00
Zipper, #10, 60" 4 8.70   34.80
Zipper Pull, #10 10 1.70   17.00
Zipper Stop, Stainless 2 packs of 10 2.50     5.00
Common Sense fastener, male 50 0.60   30.00
Common Sense fastener, eyelet 17 0.195     3.32
Rivet 100 0.15   15.00
Seam Stick, 3/8" 1 8.95     8.95
Seam Stick, 1/4" 1 6.95     6.95
TOTAL $405.02

I also bought some tools that, tho they were used in this project, will be used again in future projects.  I don't know if these should be charged against this project or not (you decide), but you should definitely have these tools to do the work:

Item Cost
Rivet Setting Tool Kit 89.00
Common Sense Eyelet Hole Punch 69.50

I did not include the cost of the thread because I bought a large spool years ago and have been using it since.  You definitely want the Teflon Tenara thread or equivalent - it will outlast your boat.  Don't settle for polyester thread.

And finally, you need a heavy-duty sewing machine to handle this.  I heartily recommend the Sailrite LS-1 or LSZ-1 (zig zag - if you intend to sew sails).  They are expensive and worth it.  We got ours used for less than half the new cost.

Previous post in this series



M Nigh said...

What about your labor charge/cost? I am sure with your current work status your hourly rate may be a bit lower than years past. Ha Ha

Robert Salnick said...

Well Mark, if I added up all the hours in this project that I didn't enjoy the work, I'd have, well, zero hours. It was fun learning how to do it and fun doing it!

Kelvin D. Meeks said...

Thanks for sharing the breakdown of costs!

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