The Perkins 4-236 is one of those small diesel engines that seemingly got adopted for every use under the sun. One of those uses was in boats, and Eolian has one.
Because I like to have documentation on Eolian's important bits, I wanted the shop manual for this engine, and thanks to the courtesy of Martyn Lancing of Lancing Marine in the UK, I now have one.
If you would like a copy, provide me with your email address via a comment or at the email address in the Contact page of this blog. The shop manual is a PDF document and is 15 MB in size, so be certain that your email provider will handle a message that large.

Please email me the Perkins manual. 🙏
It's so nice to have a legit manual. I have the PDF for my Yanmar 3HMF as well.
On its way, VT
Agree, Jason
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