Monday, November 22, 2010

Neighbors, redux

Yesterday evening, yet another major wind storm went thru Seattle.  This time it was us that were not on our boat...

Scotty over on Ghost facebooked (is that a verb?) me, saying that he'd checked Eolian and found "all lines tight as E strings... but holding off the dock well."  Do you know how great that makes us feel?

Meanwhile, it's not over.  This is the view that greeted me when I stepped onto the dock a little while ago.

Yes, winter has returned to Seattle, with a vengeance, and at least a month early.  If we see snow here at all, it is usually at the end of December or in January.  But nevertheless, here it is, before Thanksgiving...

And here is Eolian, covered with a white blanket and waiting for me to step aboard.  But yes, the heat pump was working, still holding the boat at 58°, where I had set it.

And now that I have performed the ritual of unloading the dock cart and getting it all aboard and down below, and I have turned up the thermostat, I am snug as a bug in a rug.  The wind is up into the 20's again, destined for gale warnings later this evening.  With a vengeance indeed.

And I'll leave you with this that I snapped at Ghost's slip:
Don't ya love kids?


1 comment:

Team Giddyup said...

It is waaay too cold this winter. brr!

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