Lots of people dream about throwing off the responsibilities of the day-to-day life and sailing off to tropical isles... Have you? You could you know. People are doing that very thing today. Or perhaps you'd like to live vicariously thru the experiences of those who are.
Well, I have a treat for you today: here are two couples who are making it happen. Right now. Today.
Carol and Livia, aboard their Wauquiez Pretorien 35 Estrellita 5.10b, have spent the past 16 months getting ready to leave - a recent post summarizes their preparations, but for a full understanding of the process of getting the boat, and much more importantly, themselves ready, your reading should really start at the beginning of their journey. Now they are less than 43 days from cutting the dock lines, and their excitement is building. Follow along with them at s/v Estrellita 5.10b as the days count down.
Mike and Rebecca, aboard their PDQ 32 catamaran Katana, are probably the two physically fittest cruisers you will ever meet. They've chosen a catamaran as their waterborne home - a choice which balances things in an entirely different way. This is a boat which has lots of stowage, but which must be kept light in weight in order to reach her speed potential - makes for interesting decisions. They will be starting their journey in fresh water, far enough north that it freezes in the winter (Lake Ontario!), so they'll have quite a trip ahead of themselves just to get to salt water. Their plans have them cutting the dock lines in 89 days (as of today). Join them as the days wind down and the pace winds up at Zero To Cruising.
Listen... I can hear the trade winds rustling the palm fronds overhanging the white sand beach right now.
Can you?

We're blushing.
Thanks very much, Bob!
As a famous man said recently, "De nada."
: )
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