And the Marina Mart is kind of like a Mecca for me - because they actually have a Licorice Shrine. No, really!
The Shrine |
Hundreds and hundreds of different kinds of licorice. (Jane is reminding me about chocolate. OK, if you are one of those strange chocolate people, they do that too.)
The biggest problem I face when I visit the Marina Mart is that I can't buy one of everything. And sadly, our visits seem to be far enough apart (and I am old enough) that I cannot remember what I sampled at the last visit. Or what I thought of it. But like the movie "Groundhog Day", that means every visit is a new and wonderful experience!
Andrea is the owner - she is the one behind all this. And I for one thank her.
(Oh by the way, if you are in Poulsbo for the fireworks celebrating the birth of our Nation on July 3 - yes they do it a day early in Poulsbo - be sure to stop in. And say that Bob & Jane sent you.)

Being a Dane, I'm born a licorista - and I'm thrilled whenever I meet a foreigner who shares my taste in sweets. This place in Poulsbo seems rather fantastic!
Hi Lotte -
But I have never been able to enjoy the salt (salmiak?) licorice that is apparently so popular in Scandinavia...
We moved away from Poulsbo in 1998, and I don't remember the marina market. Must be new since our time.
But I see that the Poulsbohemian Coffeehouse is still there - that was our favorite coffee shop - and about 4 blocks from our house when we lived there. I heartily recommend it.
Thanks for the info Rick - next time we are over there, we'll give it a try!
Take a left on Front Street and go 3-4 blocks up the hill.
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