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When you take the ferry from Seattle to Bainbridge Island, you land at the town of Bainbridge (used to be called Winslow, but they changed the name to avoid confusion), in Eagle Harbor. When you come to Winslow (I like the old name better) by boat, you too arrive in Eagle harbor. Be very careful of the Tyee Shoal just outside the harbor entrance. Unless you have local knowledge, you should go South, below the red nun buoy, #2, or to play it safe, go a little further South around the dolphin which lays a little SSW of the nun. Then turn North and watch your depth sounder. When you enter the harbor, you will note that (a) it is crowded, and (b) there is a designated anchorage area.

The designated anchorage is filled with many things floating. Some are beautiful projects underway, and some have not moved in years and look as tho they never will again. These latter fill the same residential ecological niche that the now highly sought-after floating homes in Lake Union (see "Sleepless in Seattle") filled in the 1920's - they serve as extremely low cost housing.

The South shore of Eagle harbor was once known as Creosote, (with the Blakely lumber mill and the Hall Brothers' shipyard just one bay south, it is not hard to guess what operations occurred in Creosote) but now serves as a yard for the State Ferry system - this is one of the places where ferries go to get worked on. The rest of the South shore is filled with beautiful and/or charming housing.
Once anchored in Eagle harbor, you have at your disposal all the charms of Winslow - the wonderful restaurants, pubs, and galleries. Be sure to check out the
Old Winslow Pub, a/k/a Mac's - it is the only place I have ever been where there was a periscope directly over the urinal in the men's restroom (sorry ladies). It looks out over the harbor...

Back on the boat for the evening, you will find very little roll from the ferry traffic, because they are moving so slowly in the harbor. The night scene in the harbor is charming, and the view to the East is of the Seattle skyline, all lit up just for your personal enjoyment!
Update! Things have changed in Eagle Harbor. For the better - but see the
post from 5/6/2011 for more information.

Destination: Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge Island
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