You have paper charts on board, covering the area you cruise.
And you have a GPS (well, most of you do). Often, that GPS is a chartplotter. So, those paper charts don't come out of the drawer too much, do they? You have them on board as a backup against the failure of the GPS, right? Are they current (probably not)? And have you checked the price of paper charts lately? Wow.
To get this straight right up front, I am not advocating abandoning the paper charts. They will work if the GPS dies, if you lose all electrical power on board, and even if the constellation of GPS satellites shuts down due to EMP.

These are excellent vector graphics charts, and include tides, currents, optional satellite overlays, and the ability to record tracks and store waypoints and routes. Everything is on the iPhone (except the satellite overlays), so once you have downloaded the app, no internet connection/cell phone coverage is needed for use.
Where else are you going to get a chartplotter for $10? And all the charts??
If you have an iPhone, you should have this one. It really is a no brainer.

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