Sunset on the eve of the Summer Solstice - 9:10 PM here in Seattle at the Western end of the timezone and up near the Canadian border. From here on the days get shorter.
(Yes, that is a wine glass. Also sadly, it is an empty wine glass.)

A message unrelated to your clever upturned wine glass image... I noticed you categorize your entries, but could not find a link to those categories themselves. Since you have so much valuable information and experience to share those categories would be very useful.
Hi Anon -
The category (labels, actually) links are over there on the lower right, called "Search for posts by label".
Thanks for the kind words!
Speaking of wine... I know that you and Jane have become box wine aficionados lately so this might come in handy...
Thanks Doug!
Hmmm... maybe I should do a post on essential boating fluids...
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