In this I am flagrantly guilty. I have whined and complained about our cold Seattle weather, far more in person than to you, patient blog readers. Some might even say that I have whined excessively and incessantly.
But no more.
I have just returned from spending a few days in Indiana at a family reunion. Everyone was tan, and everyone was at least tolerant of the temperatures.
Oh My Gosh, the temperatures! In the 90's and 100's every day! Humidity so high that my glasses fogged up when I went from air conditioning to the hot, humid outdoors, and water running down the outsides of the windows.
And yet the only whining to be heard was from your correspondent, who, tho he grew up in the Midwest, has clearly now become a Seattle hothouse pansy.
This morning, I have the heat on in the boat and it is a comfortable 68° in here.
And it is blessedly cool outside. Tho the temperatures here have remained about the same, a little perspective has changed "cold" into "cool" for me.
I think we all need to get out of our bubbles, our comfort zones, from time to time. Without the perspective that this brings, our world view becomes self-centered and parochial. And yes, I think that this applies to much more than weather. Much, much more.
And now, I am going to put on my jacket and go out and enjoy our wonderful Seattle weather!

Welcome back we missed you. I hope you had an over all good time back home.
My wife, daughter and I hope to purchase a boat soon and live in the South Sound. Maybe we will see you on the water.
(currently in Afghanistan building the kitty)
Hi Chuck -
Yes, Indiana was great! Family reunions are all good.
Any idea where in the South Sound you will settle? We'll be going down there in September for a week or two...
A wonderful anti-tropical manfesto....
We live in Lacey now. When I get back from the sand box we will start looking for that water borne home. I really like Swantown Marina in Olympia but will shop around at the various marinas from Tacoma south. I work at Fort Lewis so the marina will probably be on the east side for ease of commute until we cut the lines. I get home in January so I will miss you this trip.
Drew -
Not meant to be anti-tropical so much as an encouragement to enjoy what we have...
Chuck -
Too bad on the timing. But if we are both in Puget Sound, we are bound to connect eventually...
That's close to mantra #2 for me, "we chose this" ;)
Because presumably, it is better than something else...and if it isn't better, then it is time to change it.
Thanks Livia!
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