We untied the dock lines and pulled out of our slip on G Dock at 07:17 this morning - that was a little later than we had planned, but we were fogged in, and I wanted to give the sun a chance to burn it off.
As it was, when we left, there was fog on the marina but the Sound was mostly clear, making for some beautiful lighting.
We had good wind for a couple of hours, and good tide. But eventually we had to start the motor.
We're now anchored in Port Ludlow, enjoying some of John Barleycorn's best and watching Amy Hastings (Jane's cousin's daughter) run the 10,000 meter in the Olympics.
Go Amy!

Yayyyyy! I'm jealous. The lake is down another half foot and we're not going anywhere. More work on the horizon...
Have fun!
S/V Kintala
What a great feeling - off cruising for a couple weeks. Hope you have a great time.
s/v Cay of Sea
Deb & Rick -
Thanks for the Bon Voyage wishes!
Yes, two weeks with nothing to think about but wind, weather and tides is a wonderful thing.
And here, about one week in, I am finally slowed down to the rhythm of the tides.
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