Now don't get me wrong here. We live in Seattle completely by choice - we feel it is one of the premier cruising locations in the US. In fact, we agree with Tom & Dawn of s/v Warm Rain, recently returned from cruising the South Pacific to "the grandeur of the Pacific Northwest."
I love the nautical ambiance of mist and rain on the water. I enjoy the lush, lush greenery that the rain brings.
And yet.
And yet when I am honest with myself, I admit to being jealous of those who already have suntans. And I find myself longing for those days and nites when the ports and hatches on the boat stay open all the time, when a pair of shorts and a Hawaiian shirt are comfortable attire.
It is coming; I know it is. The long season of Woebegone is nearly over.
I want to wear my Hawaiian shirt.

LOL @ linking to us for your suntan comment. Didn't you know... it's all photoshop. :)
Mike: If you looked like that in Seattle, I'd say that:
o You just got back from Cancun
o You are spending way too much time
in a tanning booth
o It's rust
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