We slept in again, and woke with barely enough time to get another hearty breakfast of sautéed mushrooms and fried eggs into ourselves before the start of the Indy 500. Of course you watch the Indy 500 don't you? The largest sporting event in the world, with 500,000 people physically attending and millions more watching all over the world, is something you wouldn't want to miss. Well at least we didn't want to miss it. And for a wonderful change, we had excellent TV reception at anchor in Eagle Harbor. I won't tell you about it - if you saw it, you already know, and if you don't, well then watch it yourself next Memorial Day. Tough love.
Then it was clean up the boat time, because Kaci and Adam were coming in on the 3:45 ferry to Bainbridge. We put the dinghy down and made a quick trip to the city dock and up into town to the grocery store for some forgotten items, and then it was time for them to arrive. Working the visit this way was ideal - it didn't require days of their time, started with a ferry ride (an unusual treat for many folks) to an island (another unusual circumstance). Then a dingy ride out to Eolian, anchored in the harbor. I BBQ'd a couple of pork loins on my new grill (it was perfect for this!) while the conversation flowed. And in fact it flowed until well after dark, with the background of the spectacular city scape of the Seattle nite skyline centered in the harbor. Unfortunately, I have no good pictures. First, I suffer from excessive involvement - I participate instead of being the chronicler. And next, by some rye twist of fate, in the pictures I did manage to get everyone has some weird expression on their face.
This morning, I got up early and lit the cabin heater and started breakfast (cornbread, blue berries and sausages), and then we got under way at 08:30, in order to arrive at Shilshole at slack water, and early enough for Kaci and Adam to have a day left to themselves.
We had another delightful broad reach back, making 3-5 kt, and tied up at 10:45. So, tho this started out to be a circumnavigation, circumstances dictated that it was not. But the trip fully satisfied Jane and I, and I think Adam and Kaci were pleased too. I mean, how can you go wrong when you sail downwind to the North, then downwind to the South, and finally downwind to the North, all in the space of 4 days? Never sail to weather indeed!
But no rest for the boat owner. As soon as I am done posting this, we begin work cutting up and removing our old, leaking diesel daytank. Expect pictures.