What a wonderful event! A total of 34 Northwest microbrewers were represented there, each with several unique brews, many made just for this event. Your entrance fee got you 6 (I think? I could possibly have lost track...) tokens, each was good for 5 oz of someone's special brew... and that was plenty - trust me on this. Here's a sampling of what was available:
- Schooner Exact's Bourban barrel aged porter
- Two Beers' Jive Espresso stout, infused with coconut shreds, cacao nibs, cinnamon and star anise
- 7 Seas Brewing's Wheelchair Barlywine (you'll need the wheelchair, it's 10.6% alcohol)
- Wingman Brewers' Cerise Noire lambic - brewed with black cherry tea and fermented with cherries
- Slippery Pig's Emasculator - a dark and malty dopplebock brewed with local blackberries - 10% alcohol
- Valholl's Stouty Stouterson - an Imperial Stout brewed with sweet potatoes, rasins and cinnamon.
Can you guess what we'll be doing next summer when we are anchored in Liberty Bay?

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