When we arrive in an anchorage and the tide is in mid-cycle, we need to estimate how much more (or less) water there will be at high or low tide. We use the Rule of Twelfths. It goes like this:
- In the first hour, the tide will rise 1/12 of the difference between low and high tide
- In the second hour it will rise 2/12 of the difference (for a total of 3/12 = 1/4)
- In the third hour it will rise 3/12 of the difference (for a total of 6/12 = 1/2)
- In the forth hour it will rise 3/12 of the difference (for a total of 9/12 = 3/4)
- In the fifth hour it will rise 2/12 of the difference
- In the sixth hour it will rise 1/12 of the difference
For falling tides, use the same rule, but it will
fall 1/12, 2/12, etc.

The Rule of Twelfths
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