This weekend, we brought the refurbished windlass down to the boat. We used the jib halyard and the winch to hoist it from the dock cart onto the boat... Jane ran the winch and I ran the tagline. That sucker is
heavy! We positioned it on its side on the edge of the stainless steel mounting plate, and I did the re-wiring, using the new wire entrance glands. Then I liberally coated the bottom edge with silicone, and stuck on the fiber-reinforced ABS isolator that I had previously made, keeping it lined up by sticking a couple of the mounting bolts in the windlass.

When the wiring was complete, we rolled it upright and into place. Jane kept the isolator on and guided the bolts into the holes in the stainless plate, while I supplied the bulk lifting. Then it was just a matter of putting the isolator washers under the bolt heads and tightening the nuts. Windlass installed!

Then, since there was still time, we used the halyard again and picked up the bow pulpit from its inverted resting place on the foredeck, where it stayed all winter with its skinny legs sticking up into the air like something dead. With some maneuvering, we got it into place, and I bolted it down to the bowsprit platform. I know it is hard to pick out in the busy picture above, but trust me, there is now a bow pulpit!
Now I have to hire a little kid or a midget to get the nuts started on the last 4 bolts, which penetrate the bulwark, too far forward for me to wedge even my svelte body to reach.

Weekend Report 5/9: Bowsprit Renewal
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